Authors: Michaela Kripnerová 1;  Pavel Dvořák 1;  Martin Pešta 1;  Jitka Kuncová 2;  Tomáš Vlas 3;  Martin Leba 4;  Luboš Holubec 5;  Jiří Hatina 1
Authors place of work: Ústav biologie, Lékařská fakulta UK v Plzni, Plzeň 1;  Ústav fyziologie, Lékařská fakulta UK v Plzni, Plzeň 2;  Ústav imunologie a alergologie, Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň, Plzeň 3;  Katedra kybernetiky, Fakulta aplikovaných věd, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Plzeň 4;  Onkologická a radioterapeutická klinika, Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň, Plzeň 5
Published in the journal: Ces Urol 2015; 19(4): 281-290
Category: Original Articles


Major statement:
New chemoresistant urothelial bladder cancer cell line as an experimental model for studying the mechanisms of multidrug resistance in advanced bladder cancer.

The aim of the study was to establish and characterize a new multidrug resistant urothelial cancer cell line.

Materials and methods:
The parental cancer cell line BC44 was previously established from the large exophytic and better differentiated papillary part of a progressive tumor (pT4 G3) of a female patient. The daughter cell line BC44DoxoR has been derived by prolonged culture in increasing doxorubicin concentrations. Morphological response of parental and daughter cells after application of the individual drugs (doxorubicin, methotrexate, vinblastine, cisplatin, and gemcitabine) has been followed by phase-contrast microscopy. Cell viability has been determined using mitochondrial dehydrogenases assay and quantified by absorption spectrophotometry. Man-Whitney U Test (significance level α = 0.05) has been applied for statistical evaluation.

The derivative cell line BC44DoxoR exhibited chemoresistance to all cytostatics tested. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of such a multidrug resistant urothelial carcinoma cell line.

The new multidrug resistant urothelial bladder cancer cell line could provide important new insights into understanding the therapeutic resistance of advanced bladder cancer.

Chemotherapy, multidrug resistance, urothelial carcinoma.


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