Case report of a gigantic recurrent angiomyolipoma in a horseshoe kidney
Markéta Hulová; Michal Staník; Daniel Macík; Jan Doležel
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení urologické onkologie, Masarykův onkologický ústav, Brno
Published in:
Ces Urol 2020; 24(1): 69-73
Case report
Prezentujeme kazuistiku objemného recidivujícího angiomyolipomu podkovovité ledviny u mladé pacientky s podezřením na syndrom tuberózní sklerózy. Stav byl řešen opakovanou cytoredukční operací v kombinaci se systémovou léčbou mTOR inhibitory.
We present a case report of gigantic recurrent angiomyolipoma of the horseshoe kidney in a young patient with suspected tuberous sclerosis syndrome. The condition was solved by repeated cytoreductive surgery in combination of systemic treatment with mTOR inhibitors.
angiomyolipoma – tuberous sclerosis – horseshoe kidney – mTOR inhibitor
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Paediatric urologist Nephrology Urology Clinical oncologyArticle was published in
Czech Urology

2020 Issue 1
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