Ovarian hemangioma
Hemangióm ovária
Asymptomatický kapilárny hemangióm malých rozmerov bol náhodným nálezom v resektáte z ľa-vého ovária 32-ročnej pacientky, odstráneného pre mucinózny cystadenóm. Imunohistochemickysa v nádore zistila expresia faktora VIII a aktínu hladkej svaloviny. Estrogénové a progesterónovéreceptory sa v nádorových bunkách nezistili.
Klíčová slova:
vaječník - mezenchymálne nádory - hemangióm
I. Jurkovič 1; K. Dudriková 2; A. Böör 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Institute of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, P. J. Šafárik University 1 and Departmentof Pathology, Louis Pasteur’s Faculty Hospital 2 , Košice, Slovak Republic, Head:Associate Professor A. Böör, MD, CSc.
Published in:
Čes.-slov. Patol., , 1999, No. 4, p. 133-135
A rare case report of a clinically asymptomatic hemangioma of the left ovary is described. Thistumor was an additional and accidental finding in a biopsy specimen removed because of a medi-um-sized mucinous cystadenoma in a 32-year-old patient. Immunohistochemically the expressionsof Factor VIII and smooth muscle actin and negativity of estrogen and progesteron receptorswere found.
Key words:
Ovary - Mesenchymal tumors - Hemangioma
Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner ToxicologyArticle was published in
Czecho-Slovak Pathology
1999 Issue 4
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