Czech eponyms in pathology

Authors: Ivo Šteiner
Authors place of work: Fingerlandův ústav patologie LF UK a FN, Hradec Králové
Published in the journal: Čes.-slov. Patol., 49, 2013, No. 1, p. 51-54
Category: Chapters from History


The 24th European Congress of Pathology taking place in Prague is an opportunity to remind our society of the Czech names appearing as eponyms in pathological terminology: Karel Rokitanský – R. protuberance in dermoid cyst; R. thrombogenic theory of atherosclerosis; Mayer – R. – Küster – Hauser – Winckel syndrome (congenital malformation of the vagina and uterus); Václav Treitz – T. duodenal ligament; T. retroperitoneal hernia; T. uremic colitis; Vilém Dušan Lambl – L. excrescences of heart valves; Lamblia (Giardia) intestinalis, and also the foundation of urological cytology; Stanislav Provázek – Prowazek – Halberstädter bodies (trachoma), Rickettsia Prowazeki (typhus fever); Josef Vaněk – V. tumor (gastric inflammatory fibroid polyp), and also discovery of the etiology of pneumocystic pneumonia; Otto Jírovec – Pneumocystis Jiroveci; Blahoslav Bednář – B. tumor (pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans).

Rokitansky – Treitz – Lambl – Prowazek – Vaněk – Jírovec – Bednář – history of pathology

Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner Toxicology
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