Anti-inflammatory treatment reduces atherothrombotic risks

Authors: Ján Murín 1;  Jozef Bulas 1;  Martin Wawruch 2
Authors place of work: I. interná klinika LF UK a UNB, Nemocnica Staré Mesto, Bratislava 1;  Ústav farmakológie a klinickej farmakológie LF UK, Bratislava 2
Published in the journal: Diab Obez 2019; 19(37): 32-37
Category: Clinical studies


Important cardiovascular (CV) events occur despite control of conventional risk factors. Inflammation, measured by hsCRP concentration, is associated with future CV events in both primary and secondary prevention, independent of usual risk factors and markers. Statins are powerful lipid-lowering agents with clinically relevant anti-inflammatory effects. Some recent data support targeting the interleukin (IL) IL1→IL6→CRP signaling pathway as an adjunctive method for atheroprotection. The CANTOS (Canakinumab Anti-Inflammatory Thrombosis Outcomes Study) trial showed that reducing inflammation through IL1beta inhibition significantly reduced CV risk, beyond that achievable with lipid lowering. The CANTOS study further demonstrated a 31 % reduction in CV and also all-cause mortalities among patients treated with canakinumab who achieved the largest reductions in hsCRP as well as an efficacy in high-risk patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes.

This review outlines the clinical implications of mentioned study and focuses on the treatment of “residual inflammatory risk”.

Received 28. 3. 2019

Accepted 18. 4. 2019


canakinumab – cardiovascular disease – interleukin 1 beta – vascular inflammation – CANTOS study

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