Diabetic distress from clinical diabetology view

Authors: Daniel Kolény 1;  Marcela Murínová 2
Authors‘ workplace: DA-MI MED s. r. o., Nitra 1;  Katedra psychologie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci 2
Published in: Diab Obez 2024; 24(47): 70-77
Category: Reviews


Diabetes is a chronical disease that poses a burden on a patient together with a need of daily complex care. In whichever stage of a treatment there might come to a perception of not doing well or even failing, which is a negative emotional reaction called diabetic distress. It can manifest as a worsening of diabetes compensation, lower adherence to the medical treatment or regime precautions, accompanied with the psychological signs imitating anxiety and depression. However, it is not a psychiatric disorder and is not treated as such. Taking into account that it is statistically quite frequent issue from diabetic point of view, it should be a subject of proper screening, diagnostics and intervention. Essence of this article is to inform about existence of diabetic distress.


diagnosis – intervention – adherence – diabetes disorders and psychiatric issues – diabetes distress – diabetes related distress – emotional distress of diabetes


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Diabetology Obesitology

Article was published in

Diabetes and obesity

Issue 47

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