Small intestine lymphomas

Authors: P. Sopirjaková 1;  D. Belada 2;  M. Kopáčová 1;  S. Rejchrt 1;  J. Bureš 1;  I. Tachecí 1
Authors‘ workplace: II. interní gastroenterologická klinika, LF UK a FN Hradec Králové 1;  IV. interní hematologická klinika, LF UK a FN Hradec Králové 2
Published in: Gastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(5): 377-380
Category: Gastrointestinal Oncology: Review Article


Primary malignant tumours of the small intestine are rare; they only represent around 2% of all malignant tumours in the gastrointestinal system. Small intestine lymphomas represent less than one fifth of them. They create a quite heterogeneous group of mainly B-cell type non-Hodgkin`s lymphomas. Their more difficult diagnostics ensues from their localisation with a need to use specialised endoscopy, imaging and immunohistochemical methods. Determination of the diagnosis is usually delayed due to the non-specific symptoms of the disease. Quite frequently we can experience complications. A spontaneous perforation of the small intestine requiring an urgent surgical solution occurs in 9% of patients. Capsule endoscopy and balloon enteroscopy, which have so far been the gold standard of the diagnostics of small intestine diseases, have an irreplaceable role in the diagnostics. Co-operation of a gastroenterologist, a pathologist and a hemato-oncologist is necessary as regards early diagnostics and therapy for these diseases as well as for further follow-up care of patients with a small intestine lymphoma.

Key words:
lymphoma – double-balloon enteroscopy – capsule endoscopy

The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.

The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE „uniform requirements“ for biomedical papers.

30. 8. 2013

2. 10. 2013


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Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology Surgery

Article was published in

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Issue 5

2013 Issue 5
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