Possibilities of minimally invasive surgery in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Authors: L. Kunovsky 1;  F. Marek 2;  Z. Kala 2;  Jiří Dolina 1 ;  P. Moravčík 2;  V. Čan 2;  V. Procházka 2
Authors‘ workplace: Interní gastroenterologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno 1;  Chirurgická klinika LF MU a FN Brno 2
Published in: Gastroent Hepatol 2017; 71(1): 29-35
Category: IBD: Review Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.14735/amgh201729


Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are considered as chronic inflammatory bowel diseases where, even with the possibility of biological therapy, surgery still has an irreplaceable role in the treatment. This article briefly summarizes the indications for surgery in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Discussed are the possibilities of minimally invasive surgery from laparoscopic-assisted procedures to brand new minimally invasive techniques. The text mentions our experience – the advantages and disadvantages of the new surgical techniques with the references to the latest studies and literature reviews. The article also discusses the influence of surgical treatment on the quality of life of patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

Key words:
Crohn’s disease –  ulcerative colitis –  inflam­matory bowel disease –  surgery –  laparoscopy –  quality of life

The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.

The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE „uniform requirements“ for biomedical papers.

10. 1. 2017

24. 1. 2017


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Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology Surgery

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