Status of robotic and minimally invasive foregut tumour surgery
Pohnán R.; Pažin J.; Kalvach J.; Langer D.; Hadač J.; Ryska M.
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika 2. LF UK a ÚVN Praha
Published in:
Gastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(5): 424-431
Esophagectomy and gastrectomy are essential curative methods in the treatment of non-metastatic malignancies of the esophagus and stomach. Video-assisted minimally invasive resections of the esophagus and stomach have demonstrated surgical and oncological safety and can be used as part of multimodal treatment strategy. Robot-assisted surgical operations are a new technology in the field of mini-invasive upper gastrointestinal surgery. The technical advantages of robotic systems combining minimally invasive surgical approaches with the possibility of multi-element articulation of robotic instruments in the operating field lead to a worldwide expansion of robotic centers. Further technological development can be expected to enhance support and facilitation of minimally invasive surgery and to further reduction of the surgical stress while adhering to the criteria of radical oncosurgery.
robotic surgery – esophagectomy – Gastrectomy – Minimally invasive surgery – laparoscopy
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