Possible Immunological Diagnosis of Psoriasis Vulgaris
Možnosti imunologickej diagnostiky psoriasis vulgaris
Súbor 43 pacientov so psoriázou autorky rozdelili do 2 skupín. V 1. skupine bolo 21 pacientov len s kožnou formou psoriázy, z nich 9 s akútnou a 12 s chronickou. V 2. skupine bolo 22 pacientov s postihnutím kĺbov, z nich 9 mali len kĺbnu formu a 13 aj kožnú formu chronického charakteru.U všetkých pacientov vyšetrovali imunologický profil a robili imunohistologické vyšetrenie psoriatickej koži. Vyšetrením imunologického profilu zistili signifikantne zvýšený IgM u akútnej formy psoriázy, signifikantne zvýšený IgG u chronickej formy psoriázy, kde zároveň zistili signifikantne znížené E rozety aktívne a celkové. Imunohistologickým vyšetrením zistili imunokomplexy s IgG, IgA, IgM, C3 a fibrínom ložiskovite v stratum corneum viac u akútnych foriem psoriázy s postihnutím kože. U pacientov s kĺbnou formou psoriázy detekovali imunokomplexy s IgG, IgM a fibrínom v stenách ciev kória.V závere autorky konštatujú, že poruchy imunity v periférnej krvi ako aj nález imunokomplexov v stratum corneum a v cievach kória potvrdzujú, že psoriáza je autoimunitným ochorením.
Klíčová slova:
psoriáza - imunologický profil - imunohistologické vyšetrenie psoriatickej morfy.
J. Jautová 1; L. Pundová 2; M. Popovňáková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Kožná klinika LF UPJŠ a FNsP, Košice 2II. interná klinika LF UPJŠ a FNsP, Košice
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2001; (3): 141-142
The authors divided 43 patients with psoriasis into two groups. Group 1 comprised 21 patients with the dermal form of psoriasis only, incl. 9, with the acute and 12 with the chronic form. The second group comprised 22 patients with affections of the joints, inc. 9 who suffered from the articular form only and 13 also from the chronic dermal form.The authors examined in all patients the immunological profile and made immunohistological examinations of the psoriatic skin. Examination of the immunological profile revealed significantly raised IgM in the acute form of psoriasis, significantly raised IgG in the chronic form where they found also significantly reduced active and total E rosettes. Immunohistological examination revealed immunocomplexes with IgG, IgA, IgM, C3 and fibrin in the stratum corneum more frequently in acute forms of psoriasis with affection of the skin. In patients with the articular form of psoriasis they detected immunocomplexes with IgG, IgM and fibrin in the vascular walls of the corium.In the conclusion the authors state that impaired immunity in the peripheral blood stream and the finding of immunocomplexes in the stratum corneum and the corial vessels confirm that psoriasis in an autoimmune disease.
Key words:
psoriasis - immunological profile - immunohistological examination of psoriatic morpheae.
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner
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