Accreditation of general practitioners‘ surgeries in the Czech Republic

Authors: B. Seifert 1;  S. Býma 2;  P. Struk 3
Authors‘ workplace: Univerzita Karlova, 1. lékařská fakulta UK v Praze Ústav všeobecného lékařství Přednosta: Doc. MUDr. Bohumil Seifert, Ph. D. 1;  Univerzita Karlova, Lékařská fakulta, Hradec Králové Ústav sociálního lékařství Vedoucí: Doc. MUDr. Svatopluk Býma, CSc. 2;  MEDTEL, o. p. s. 3
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2009; 89(10): 582-586
Category: Of different specialties


Decentralization as well as liberalization of the health care system, introduced in the Czech Republic from 1990, requires the adoption of efficient instruments to ensure quality of care, regardless the type and the size of the facility. Accreditation of health care facilities is a proven and efficient method that is used in liberal political settings all over the world. Ambulatory health care facilities in the Czech Republic, including GP’s surgeries, have not yet had either the opportunity or motivation to join the process of accreditation. This is despite the fact that the need for health care quality assurance and control of outpatient care is as important as in hospitals.

Aim and Methods:
The following project was supported by a grant from the Czech Ministry of Health. Its aim was to pilot the accreditation of GP surgeries in the Czech Republic. The project team used experience gained from past projects on primary health care quality assessment as well as from international models (EU, USA). This project accreditation model was also considered from a legal and institutional point of view.

The project gave rise to the following documents:

- National Accreditation Standards for health care facilities providing general practice care.

- Manual for preparation of accreditation protocols.

- Terminology of health care duality.

- Proposal of syllabus for education of accreditation officers.

- Methodology of external audit.

Subsequently, there are plans to initiate and to introduce a process of accreditation by building up and maintaining a database for benchmarking practices.

Key words:
accreditation, accreditation standard, quality of health care, general practice.


1. Wikipedie: Akreditace [on-line]. Dostupné na http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akreditace

2. Státní zdravotní ústav. Akreditace zdravotnických zařízení [on-line]. Dostupné na http://www.szu.cz/autorizace/akreditace-zdravotnickych-zarizeni

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4. European Society for Quality in Family Practice (EQuiP). http://www.equip.ch

5. Struk, P., Seifert, B., Beneš, V., Jindrák, V., Šteflová, A. Hodnocení primární péče - 1. část- přehled projektu a metodika. Zdravotnictví v České Republice, 2004, 4, s. 144-152.

6. Struk, P., Seifert, B., Beneš, V., Jindrák, V., Tauš, M. Hodnocení primární péče. 2. část - přehled výsledků, Zdravotnictví v České republice, 2005, 1, str. 4-13.

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9. Joint Commission International (JCI). Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Primary Care Centers, 2008. PDF book. ISBN: 978-0-86688-884-4. Dostupné na http://www. jcrinc.com/Accreditation-Manuals/JCI-ACCREDITATION-STANDARDS-FOR-PRIMARY-CARE/ 476/.

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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults

Article was published in

General Practitioner

Issue 10

2009 Issue 10
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