Probiotics from the view of the general practitioner – clinical indications for the use of probiotics, results a questionnaire study among general practitioners
D. Mazánková 1; S. Kotásková
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav aplikované farmacie, Farmaceutická fakulta Veterinární a farmaceutické univerzity Brno, Přednosta: doc. Ing. Jiří Dohnal, CSc., MBA
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2011; 91(11): 640-644
Basic clinical indications for the administration of probiotics consist of prevention of
- intestinal dysmicrobia after ATB use,
- diarrhoea treatment, and
- prevention of travellers’ diarrhoea.
Another significant instance when probiotics are recommended is the treatment of piles, chronic infections of respiratory tract and chronic infections of urinary tract.
This text also shows the results of a questionnaire study about recommending probiotics by generals practitioners. The aim of this study was to determine the attitude of general practitioners towards probiotics. The survey showed that most of the respondents included in this project recommended probiotics to their patients. Concerning indications, the largest group of participants recommended probiotics as a prevention of intestinal dysmicrobia after ATB use. Other frequent indications were diarrhoea treatment and prevention of travellers’ diarrhoea.
The mostly prescribed probiotic was Hylak forte. Most of the generals practitioners asked patients during their following visit whether they actually used the recommended probiotics, so that they have feedback from patients. General practitioners’ main source of information on probiotics is corporate literature. Participants have good information about probiotics, but most of them would welcome more information on the issue.
Key words:
probiotics, Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus, clinical indication, questionnaire study.
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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