Awareness of men about prostate disease prevention
L. Sikorová; Z. Tvarůžková
Authors‘ workplace:
Vedoucí: doc. PhDr. Darja Jarošová, PhD.
; Děkan: doc. MUDr. Arnošt Martínek, CSc.
; Ústav ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence LF OU
; Lékařská fakulta Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě, Ostrava
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2011; 91(3): 148-152
Of different specialties
The article presents the results of the enquiry conducted in outpatient clinics of general practitioners in Valasske Mezirici. The aim of this enquiry was to find out what information men have on the prevention of prostate disease and risk factors of origin of disease, further their avoidance to the risk factors and compliance with preventive strategy. Research sample consisted of men aged 30–64 years, different levels of education (n = 150).
Analysis of results of questionnaire enquiry showed that more than half of the set of men knew that preventive investigation of prostate is advisable to go after the 50th year of life (57 %), but after the 50th year of life visited the urologist for the purpose of preventive investigation of prostate only less than half of the set of men (32 %). More than half of the set of men considered it important to speak with a general practitioner of the prostate disease, but only a third of them talked about this issue with him, and the most common source of information regarding this matter is for them the Internet and other mass media.
As insufficient from the side of medics consider the respondents the information on prevention activities and the primary difficulties with which they should go to the doctor. Respondents often did not know whether someone in their family has been treated for prostate disease, that preventive measure is not to smoke, healthy lifestyle and regular visits to the doctor. More than a third of men have concerns from preventive investigation of prostate.
Key words:
prostate disease, prevention, awareness, general practitioner.
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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