Testicular microlithiasis
J. Heráček; V. Sobotka; M. Urban
Authors‘ workplace:
Přednosta: doc. MUDr. Robert Grill, PhD.
; 3. lékařská fakulta a Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady
; Urologická klinika
; Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2012; 92(3): 157-160
Of different specialties
Testicular microlithiasis is a rarely occurring asymptomatic disorder that is thought to be associated with various benign and malignant urological diseases and genetic anomalies. The clinical significance of testicular microlithiasis is based on its possible association with testicular cancer and infertility. Regular self-examination of testicles every two months in men with simple testicular microlithiasis and urologic examination without delay in patients with abnormal palpable findings are recommended.
For patients with testicular microlithiasis and risk factors for testicular cancer
- previous testicular cancer,
- known intratubular germ cell neoplasia,
- gonadal dysgenesis, or
- impaired fertility
- annual clinical examination,
- determination of testicular tumor markers,
- scrotal ultrasonography, and
- possibly testicular biopsy.
Key words:
testicular microlithiasis, testicular cancer, male infertility, follow-up.
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