Problems in quality of life assessment in seniors
J. Mareš
Authors‘ workplace:
Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové
; Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2014; 94(1): 22-31
Of different specialties
The review study focuses on the assessment of quality of life in old age and in clinical situations. First, both the concept of quality of life including the quality of life in old age is characterized. Second, several examples of qualitative approach in assessment of quality of life in old age are presented. Eight generic questionnaires, which are generally used in this area of research, are analyzed in detail. Another twelve specific questionnaires, which are used with regard to quality of life affected by a particular disease in old age, are described. The review study also mentions examples, in which an applied questionnaire combines both generic and specific items. The final part of the study summarizes drawbacks of questionnaires which are currently used, particularly the following: a) emphasis on the researcher’s perspective at the expense of the senior person’s perspective; b) an assumption of an average senior; c) neglecting both social and cultural context of seniors’ life; d) ignoring of weights of several variables, which may affect seniors’ quality of life; a) need for an individualized assessment.
quality of life – old age – seniors – assessment – qualitative approach – questionnaires – individualized assessment
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