Arthritis of the wrist and possibilities of surgical treatment

Authors: J. Pilný 1,3;  J. Molitor 2;  K. Čermáková 3;  J. Škvrňáková 3;  M. Macková 3
Authors‘ workplace: Ortopedické oddělení Pardubické krajské nemocnice a. s. Přednosta: MUDr. Jiří Kubeš 1;  Oddelenie úrazovej chirurgie, Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou, Žilina Přednosta: MUDr. Karol Orlovský, Ph. D. 2;  Univerzita Pardubice, Fakulta medicínských studií Děkan: prof. MUDr. Arnošt Pellant, DrSc. 3
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2014; 94(4): 177-179
Category: Reviews


Arthritis of the wrist is affected relatively early source of difficulties patients. More often in this situation resolved total wrist arthrodesis, which does the patient get rid of pain, but at the cost of loss of movement. Currently, in the world of philosophy promoted when the minimum painless movement is important for the patient. The authors in their article are the basic principles of arthritis of the wrist on the basis of anatomical structures, refer to the basic clinical symptoms and dia­gnostic methods. Outlines the principles of surgical methods that preserve motion as selective denervation of the wrist, proximal row carpecthomie, forhorned arthrodesis with resection of the os scapho­ideum radioskafolunátní or arthrodesis.

arthritis wrist – wrist denervation – rescue operations wrist


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