Complex rehabilitation of patients after stroke – project of Stroke centre in Thomayer’s hospital
D. Hlinovský 1; I. Doležalová 2; J. Hlinovská 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurologické oddělení, Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha
Primářka: MUDr. Jolana Marková
1; Oddělení geriatrie a následné péče, Thomayerova nemocnice
Primář: Dr. MEd. Anatolij Cybulja
2; Oddělení revmatologie a rehabilitace, Thomayerova nemocnice
Primářka: MUDr. Marie Sedláčková
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2016; 96(6): 267-271
Of different specialties
In the developed countries, stroke represents, by its epidemiology and long-term impacts on health, an important problem. Despite progressive results in its acute treatment, majority of ill individuals hit with stroke face serious consequences. The article summarises the present organisation of care of such patients in the Czech Republic in relation to the need and possibilities of a timely rehabilitation. Further, it informs of implementation of a stroke centre project in the Thomayer Hospital, concentrating on the patients after stroke who need a complex rehabilitation even after finishing their treatment on acute department. The objectives of the project comprise: to set up standardised conditions for its provision on subsequent care beds, determine both quantitative and qualitative extent of its provision for individual groups of patients, and to optimise use of accessible resources.
rehabilitation – stroke – standard of care
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3. Kelly-Hayes M, Beiser A, Kase CS, et al. The influence of gender and age on disability following ischemic stroke: the Framingham study. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2003; 12: 119.
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