Respect and dignity towards elderly in nursing home care agencies Introduction
I. Juhásová 1; A. Pokorná 1; D. Tichá 2; L. Cetlová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Katedra zdravotnických studií
Vedoucí: PhDr. Vlasta Dvořáková, PhD.
1; Nemocnice Nové Město na Moravě
Oddělení ARO – Následná intenzivní péče
Primář: MUDr. Dušan Mach
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2016; 96(6): 261-266
Of different specialties
Respecting the dignity of clients represents a current challenge in the nursing approach.
To evaluate the degree of dignified nursing approach towards elderly patients in home care agencies, to identify subscale, which is mostly endangered by the nurses’ misconduct and simultaneously to record the link between the respect of a dignified approach and general nurses’ demographic data (nurses’ age, educational achievements, the graduation year, the length of professional experience in the healthcare and in a home care agency).
The research was carried out in 19 home care agencies in the Vysočina region, the questionnaire survey was attended by 92 nurses. To determine the level of a respectful, dignified approach, the authorized questionnaire (Tabaková©) was used, which consists of 26 items and was divided into five subscales (the awareness of patient, autonomy, confidence, principle of justice, and intimacy).
Specifically, the lowest rating was found in the subscale of patient autonomy and the highest rating in the subscale of confidence and protection of information. Generally, the dignified approach to the elderly increases with the nurse’s younger age and with less practice in the home care agency (p ≤ 0,05).
We recommend that nurses look at each patient as an active subject of the care to enable those patients to participate in decisions about themselves. There is need for continuous educational and audit activities to ensure the change of attitudes.
dignity – home care – community care – elderly
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