A brief overview of the hair cycle and hair follicle
J. Kafková
Authors‘ workplace:
Vedoucí: prim. MUDr. Jana Kafková
; Privátní ambulantní zdravotnické zařízení
; Dermatovenerologie a lymfologie
; DL Centrum s. r. o. Přerov
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2018; 98(6): 253-256
Various Specialization
The article deals with the hair follicle and the hair cycle and describes its theories and concepts. So far, there are many unanswered questions about hair follicle biology. The hair follicle continuously undergoes three definable cyclic stages of development and hair formation. The hair cycle is an actively dynamic and continuous process of neogenesis of hair through which each hair follicle passes several times during life. With the development of medical science and biological sciences, various theses on the hair cycle have gradually developed.
hair cycle – hair follicle – hair growth – body hair
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General Practitioner

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