Drug interactions with smoking and nicotine

Authors: A. Nazmutdinova;  A. Khryakova;  M. Šustková
Authors place of work: Ústav farmakologie 3. LF UK, Praha ;  Přednosta: MUDr. Jiří Slíva, Ph. D. ;  Univerzita Karlova
Published in the journal: Prakt. Lék. 2023; 103(5): 240-248
Category: Of different specialties


According to epidemiological research from 2022, roughly a quarter of the population of the Czech Republic regularly smokes or uses other forms of nicotine products. The popularity of electronic cigarettes and nicotine pouches has increased significantly, especially among young people aged 15 and over. A number of substances in tobacco smoke and nicotine itself interact with some medicinal substances at the level of pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics, which can significantly affect the pharmacotherapy used. This review article alerts clinicians to the potential interactions of tobacco smoking with some commonly prescribed medications and offers practical advice on how to avoid the risks. The article deals not only with smoking tobacco, classic cigarettes, cigars or pipes, but also with the use of their smokeless alternatives (IQOS) and tobacco-free nicotine products (electronic cigarets, nicotine sachets) and their possible interactions with medicines.

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