Fall risk in hospitalized geriatric patients with malnutrition

Authors: J. Madleňák;  I. Bóriková
Authors place of work: Vedúca ústavu: prof. Mgr. Katarína Žiaková, PhD. ;  Jesseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine ;  Ústav ošetrovateľstva ;  Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Published in the journal: Prakt. Lék. 2023; 103(5): 264-268
Category: Of different specialties


Aim: To determine the presence of a risk of falls in hospitalized geriatric patients with malnutrition in the internal medicine department.

Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, correlational study. Hospitalized geriatric patients were included in the research group. Each respondent completed a research protocol containing socio-demographic data, health characteristics, and selected laboratory parameters of nutritional status, fall risk screening according to MFS and nutritional status screening according to MNA®-SF.

Results: The file consisted of n = 200 respondents (50% men, 50% women), of which the majority were in the age category 65–74 years (52%). According to the MFS, 2% had a low risk of falling, 26% had a medium risk of falling, and 72% had a high risk of falling. According to MNA®-SF, 31% had normal nutritional status, 51% were at risk of malnutrition, and 18% (n = 35) had malnutrition. In that of malnourished patients, 5 respondents had a medium risk of falling and 30 respondents had a high risk of falling.

Conclusions: The timely risk screening for geriatric patients must be performed already when the patient is admitted to the hospital. Medical personnel play a key role in the early identification of the risk of malnutrition and fall, which is the starting point for timely and targeted interventions.

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