Type 2 diabetes mellitus in old age
MUDr. Martina Lášticová
Authors‘ workplace:
III. interní gerontologická a metabolická klinika LF UK a FN Hradec Králové
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2014, 3, č. 2: 88-91
Review Article
Older patients with diabetes suffer increased morbidity and mortality in comparison to elderly patients without diabetes. Other frequent problems in these patients are polypharmacy, functional disability and geriatric syndromes – cognitive impairment, depression, urinary incontinence and falls. When deciding about the treatment and glycaemic targets it is necessary to take into account the pa-tient‘s level of independence and his or her physical and mental abilities. Risk of hypoglycaemia, which is increased in this group of patients and which might lead to impaired cognitive function and functional disability, is an important factor in choosing antidiabetic medication.
Key words:
older patients – diabetes – hypoglycaemia – geriatric syndromes
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Geriatrics and Gerontology

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