Divertikulární nemoc
M. Berková; Z. Berka
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2017, 6, č. 1: 23-27
Review Article
Incidence and prevalence diverticular disease increase with age and in seniors 80+ more than half of the population is affected. In developed western countries diverticular disease involve predominantly left side of the colon and disease development is associated with low-volume diet and low physical activity. On the other hand in African and Asian population the occurrence of the disease is low and pathological changes affect right side of the colon, probably with genetic predisposition. In majority of patients the disease is asymptomatic, only minority of patients suffer from symptoms – symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease (SUDD) or complicated diverticulosis. Severe form of complicated disease is acute diverticulitis with development of abscess, fistula or peritonitis in case of bowel perforation. In some cases, inflammatory changes in bowel wall may cause intra-luminal obstruction. In SUDD treatment fibre and fibre-supplements, local antibiotics, mesalasin, probiotics and spasmolytics were studied. In acute diverticulitis antibiotics treatment is discussed. For disease prevention healthy lifestyle with sufficient intake of insoluble fibre and physical activity are recommended.
diverticular disease – symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease (SUDD) – acute diverticulitis, – abscess – fistula – peritonitis – bowel obstruction
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