Intravenous administration of hugh doses of vitamin C
Mgr. Alena Pospíšilová, Ph.D.; Bc. Tereza Hudosová; Bc. Kristýna Vrchová
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra ošetřovatelství LF MU, Brno
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2019, 8, č. 1: 31-35
Original Article/Study
Aim: Vitamin C is a significant antioxidant in the human body. The high-dose infusion therapy with vitamin C allows the administrativ of gram doses during one application, there by achieving a high plasma level of vitamin C in the blood. Adequate indication of IVC therapy is conditional to inform the general public about their benefits and limits. The aim was to gain awareness and opinions of the general public on intravenous vitamin C therapy and to compared the level of awareness among the professional and lay public.
Methods: The quantitative research was carried out through a questionnaire of itisown design. The questionnaire was distributed by a snowball method. A total 259 respondents were included in there search, of which 106 respondents from the professional public (doctor and nurses) and 153 repondents from lay public. Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson’ schi-squared test was used to verify statistical dependence. The testing was performed at a signifikance level of 0.05.
Results: There was no diference in level of signifikance compared to the level of awareness among the professional and non-public (p = 0,495). Of the common 14 knowledge questions, the average professional public reported an average of 8.48 correct answers and lay public 8.62 and 69 % of the respondents were willing to undergo IVC therapy. In the case of interest in receiving IVC therapy 58 % would visit a general practitioner, 80 % would be interested in supplementing IVC information, and 40 % preferred to recese information through the press.
Conclusion: High-dose infusion therapy with vitamin C is not sufficiently promoted in the professional and laic sphere and therefore the general public needs to be more informed about this method.
awareness – Vitamin C – ascorbic acid – intravenous vitamin C – high doses of vitamin C – IVC
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prostheticsArticle was published in
Geriatrics and Gerontology

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