Economic analyses of long-term care in the Czech Republic

Authors: P. Fiala
Authors‘ workplace: Asociace českých a moravských nemocnic
Published in: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2019, 8, č. 3: 119-124
Category: Original Article


The study deals with the current status of financing the inpatient follow-up care (after-care), long-term care, social care and home care in the Czech Republic. It is trying to close the gap in our knowledge of this less visible part of Czech healthcare system. The first part describes the demographic factors that impact these types of care, particularly bearing in mind that our citizens spend more than 9 years longer in chronic disease when compared with developed EU countries. Further part brings results of extensive cost analysis carried out in 61 facilities of the inpatient after-care and long-term care within the Czech Republic, with total of 8768 beds. Based on summary tables it is possible to get an authentic view of serious problems of the current Czech after-care, long-term care, social care and home care and indicate possible solutions.


Ageing of population – cost analysis – inpatient follow-up care – long-term care – home care


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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prosthetics

Article was published in

Geriatrics and Gerontology

Issue 3

2019 Issue 3
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