Is melatonin a suitable hypnotic for the elderly?

Authors: Pavlíčková Ludmila
Authors place of work: Oddělení geriatrie a následné péče FTN Praha
Published in the journal: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2023, 12, č. 1: 36-40
Category: Review Article


Sleep disorders are common among seniors. Benzodiazepine and nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics are not recommended for seniors because of the risk of addiction and serious adverse effects. Melatonin is an endogenous mediator of circadian rhythm and it can be used as an effective hypnotic. It has no serious adverse effects and therefore it is more suitable for seniors. Melatonin can be recommended to promote sleep by seniors without cognitive impairment and those with mild cognitive impairment; for people with advanced dementia melatonin has not an apparent hypnotic effect. Eventual neuroprotective effects of melatonin should be verified in randomized controlled trials.


sleep – Melatonin – circadian rhythm – neurodegenerative disorders


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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prosthetics

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Geriatrics and Gerontology

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