Mental health practitioners. Do they know how to take care of themselves?
Čapková Barbora
Authors‘ workplace:
Hospic na Svatém Kopečku, Olomouc
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2023, 12, č. 1: 41-44
Review Article
Trying to manage the stress load alone is a superhuman task. Especially for healthcare professionals who deal with high levels of stress almost every day, their mental health needs to be taken into account. It is commonly said that health is only one thing and it is also the most precious thing we have. The health of doctors and other health professionals is not given much thought. Without systemic and individualised or group assistance, the health sector may run into further problems, and in a situation where it is dealing with the aftershocks of a difficult covid period, the consequences may be all the greater. Care for the mental wellbeing of healthcare staff is demonstrated in the article as something that should be a normal part of the working life of every healthcare worker. Excess stress and excessive work responsibilities lead to burnout syndrome, which has a negative impact on the quality of work done and on mental health. If mental health is not taken care of, staffing problems in the healthcare sector can be exacerbated.
mental health – mental well-being of healthcare staff – burnout syndrome in healthcare – prevention of burnout syndrome
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prostheticsArticle was published in
Geriatrics and Gerontology

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