Acute myocarditis, prevalence, diagnosis and treatment in local hospital
M. Belicová; J. Dvorský; Ľ. Vladár; M. Mokáň
Authors‘ workplace:
I. interná klinika Jeseniovej lekárskej fakulty UK a Martinskej fakultnej nemocnice, Martin, Slovenská republika, prednosta prof. MUDr. Marián Mokáň, DrSc.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2005; 51(5): 510-517
Original Contributions
Clinical diagnosis of acute myocarditis is one of the greatest problems of contemporary cardiology, determined by wide clinical and laboratory polymorphysm of disease. Reliable, accurate diagnostic tests able to exclude or confirm diagnosis are not available yet.
Aim of the study:
Description of the prevalence, diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute myocarditis.
From 1st July 2002 to 30th June 2003 12 patients (9 males) of age 24–49 years were hospitalised with the diagnosis of acute myocardidis.
8 patients had chest pain; these patients had changes on ECG. 4 patients had heart failure; these patients had changes on echocardiography. All patients had elevation of level of troponin T and 50% of them elevation of level of creatinkinase. All patients had fever.
Acute myocarditis on the ECG was manifested by changes of the repolarization stage ST-T which simulated acute non Q and Q myocardial infarction or pericarditis. Echocardiography reveal localized kinetic disorders with dilated or not dilated chambers of heart.
Key words:
myocarditis – cardiomyopathy – cytokines – heart failure
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2005 Issue 5
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