Retrospectives and perspectives of current haematology

Authors: M. Penka
Authors place of work: Oddělení klinické hematologie FN Brno, přednosta prof. MUDr. Miroslav Penka, CSc.
Published in the journal: Vnitř Lék 2005; 91(7 a 8): 775-780
Category: 128th Internal Medicine Day - 21rd Vanysek's Day Brno 2005 - Vanysek's Lecture


Haematology is relatively new branch that has been established as an advanced branch of internal medicine in the beginning of the last century. From the beginning it is characterised by very narrow relationship between clinical and laboratory aspects. Further characteristic feature of haematology is its very deep concentration on research activities and cognition of disease fundamentals in cellular, subcellular and molecular levels and immediate use of these pieces of knowledge in practical medicine. Haematology infiltrates even other branches through important research findings. However this penetration is given by markedly interdisciplinary character of branch polarisation also, as well as by the significance of haematological complications in acute conditions. Haematology achieves highly significant progress in care of patients with wide-spread diseases, such as anaemia, with highly serious diseases, such as leukaemia and haematological malignancies at all, and problematical ones, such as haemorrhagic disorders. Present development anticipates a continuation of tendency of branch rapid expansion including utilisation of the most up-to date research trends, both in the scientific aspect and technical resources.

Key words:
haematology – clinic – laboratory – anaemia – leukaemia – coagulopathy – DIC


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