Problems of haemostatic disorders in metabolic syndrome
P. Galajda; M. Mokáň
Authors‘ workplace:
I. interná klinika Jesseniovej lekárskej fakulty UK a MFN Martin, Slovenská republika, prednosta prof. MUDr. Marián Mokáň, DrSc., FRCP Edin
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2009; 55(Suppl 1)(Supplementum 1): 88-93
Metabolic syndrome (MS) is defined as cluster of independent risk factors of coronary heart disease (CHD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) including glucose metabolism disorders associated with insulin resistance, central obesity, dyslipidaemia with increasing of triglyceride levels and decreasing of high density lipoprotein levels and arterial hypertension. There are differences in prediction of CHD and DM2 risk among recommendations for diagnostic criteria of MS according to WHO (1999), NCEP-ATPIII (2001), ACE/AACE (2003), AHA/NHBLI (2004) and IDF (2005). New risk factors include markers of low grade inflammatory reaction, endothelial dysfunction and hypofibrinolytic state. Inflammatory parameters (C‑reactive protein, fibrinogen) and endothelial markers (von Willebrand factor) are more important for prediction of CHD risk, while PAI‑1 as marker of fibrinolytic disturbance is independent risk factor for DM2 development.
Key words:
metabolic syndrome – low grade inflammatory reaction – endothelial dysfunction – plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

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