Iodine deficiency in the world and in the Czech Republic – current status and perspectives
V. Zamrazil 1,2; R. Bílek 1; J. Čeřovská 1; M. Dvořáková 1; J. Němeček 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Endokrinologický ústav Praha, ředitel doc. MU Dr. Vojtěch Hainer, CSc. 2 Subkatedra endokrinologie IPVZ Praha, vedoucí pracoviště prof. MU Dr. Václav Zamrazil, DrSc.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2010; 56(12): 1310-1315
Iodopenia is importance world- wide problem – the cause of spectrum of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). The “simple” way for its compensation is iodine supplementation – preferably by iodinization of salt: in the Czech Republic prevalence of IDD was very high in the past. The complex program for compensation of iodine deficiency realized in the CR includes improvement of salt iodization, supplementation of pregnant and lactating women, fortification of products for babies’ nutrition and increasing use of iodinized salt in general population incl. food industry. Thus CR is country with compensated iodine deficiency according to criteria WHO, UNICEF, ICCIDD. In future, however, systematic interest should be focused on optimalization of iodine saturation, esp. in pregnant women and evaluation of possible risk of supranormal iodine intake (impairment of thyroid function, activation of thyroid autoimmunity). Taking in account, the changes of nutrition and life style systematic monitoring of quality of iodine supplementation seems to be essential.
Key words:
iodine – the thyroid – iodine deficiency disorders – ioduria – iodopenia in pregnancy – thyroid autoimmunity
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Internal Medicine

2010 Issue 12
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