Carcinoid and its cardiac manifestation

Authors: V. Talafa 1;  D. Pastucha 2;  K. Zeman 1;  O. Zela 1;  R. Filipčíková 3;  M. Bezdičková 3
Authors‘ workplace: JIP Interního oddělení Nemocnice ve Frýdku Místku, p. o., Frýdek Místek, přednosta prim. MUDr. Petr Vítek 1;  Klinika tělovýchovného lékařství a kardiovaskulární rehabilitace Lékařské fakulty UP a FN Olomouc, přednostka doc. MUDr. Eliška Sovová, Ph. D., MBA 2;  Ústav normální anatomie Lékařské fakulty UP Olomouc, přednosta doc. MUDr. Stanislav Laichman, CSc. 3
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2012; 58(11): 867-870
Category: Case Reports


A case report concerning patient diagnosed with a rare carcinoid showing typical symptoms is presented. Although essentially a cancer disease, this condition usually shows slow progression and tends to follow a favorable course with good prognosis if treated properly, assuming patient’s reasonable compliance. We intend to highlight its typical clinical picture as well as the rarely occurring cardial manifestation leading to rapid progression and ultimately fatal outcome in a non-compliant patient who preferred alternative to evidence based medicine.

carcinoid – carcinoid syndrome – tricuspid regurgitation – pulmonary hypertension – right heart failure


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

Article was published in

Internal Medicine

Issue 11

2012 Issue 11
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