Tuberculosis in the Czech Republic. Current status. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention
M. Vašáková
Authors‘ workplace:
Pneumologická klinika 1. lékařské fakulty UK a Thomayerovy nemocnice Praha, přednosta prof. MU Dr. Jiří Homolka, DrSc.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2013; 59(4): 284-289
Despite the fact that the tuberculosis (TB) agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, was discovered more than a century ago and we have had a basic drug line for the treatment of this disease available for over 50 years, TB is still a worldwide threat, be it considering the number of the infected, or their mortality. The epidemiologic seriousness of this disease lies, however, in the chronic course of the illness, the length of time necessary for its treatment, unavailable preventative measures and the treatment in those parts of world that are stricken by hunger and poverty. The situation concerning TB in the Czech Republic (CR) is much more optimistic; the number of new cases is still decreasing. However, in order to keep the decreasing trend of new cases it is necessary to keep TB in mind so that diagnosis, isolation and treatment of TB patients occur in a timely manner. Since TB affects mainly people with low income and low social status, or patients exposed to specific treatment methods, it is essential for the prevention to be focused especially on these people and social groups. BCG vaccination in CR is selective since 2011; i.e. only high‑risk infants are vaccinated. Nevertheless, the BCG vaccine provides only an incomplete and highly variable TB protection and, moreover, it has severe adverse effects. Therefore, there has been an attempt to develop a new vaccine. Hand– in‑hand with the development of a new vaccine, there has been an attempt to synthesize new and more effective antituberculotics that would affect even multi‑resistant tubercle bacilli.
Key words:
tuberculosis – epidemiology – diagnosis – treatment – prevention
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3. World Health Organization: Treatment of tuberculosis guidelines. Ženeva: WHO 2010.
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2013 Issue 4
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