Development and current utility of infobases in Czech cancer care
Ladislav Dušek 1,2; Milan Bláha 1,2; Jan Mužík 1,2; Ondřej Májek 1,2; Tomáš Pavlík 1; Petr Klika 1; Daniel Klimeš 1; Denisa Malúšková 1; Jakub Gregor 1; Michal Burger 1,2; Petr Brabec 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Institut biostatistiky a analýz MU Brno, ředitel doc. RNDr. Ladislav Dušek, Ph. D.
1; Ústav zdravotnických informací a statistiky Praha, ředitel doc. RNDr. Ladislav Dušek, Ph. D.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2014; 60(Suppl 2): 28-35
70th Birthday - prof. MUDr. Jiří Vorlíček, CSc.
Evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of health care is an integral part of modern health care. It can only be performed with sufficiently detailed data sources describing each segment of care. In case of significant heterogeneity and lack of standardization of hospital information systems it is necessary to fully exploit existing parametric data sources. The valid systems for Czech cancer care: the National Cancer Registry, clinical registries of Czech Society for Oncology of the Czech Medical Association of J.E. Purkyne, registries of screening programs and administrative data form healthcare payers. From these registries we can obtain a very complex and detailed view on prevention, diagnosis and cancer treatment in the Czech Republic. To achieve this goal, which means more integrated and comprehensive utilization of national registries, surveys and administrative data, it is necessary to fully utilize and apply the current legislative framework, in particular provision of the Act no. 372/2011 Sb.
Key words:
clinical registry – evaluation of health care – information system – legislation – malignant tumor – population
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Internal Medicine

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