Epidemiologic data of hyperuricaemia prevalence in the conditions of primary care in Slovakia
Andrej Dukát 1; Peter Sabaka 1; Ján Gajdošík 2; Marjan Vrbnjak 1; Oliver Tlčimuka 1; Peter Gavorník 1; Ľudovít Gašpar 1; F. Šimko 3
Authors‘ workplace:
II. interná klinika LF UK a UN Bratislava, Slovenská republika, prednosta doc. MUDr. Ľudovít Gašpar, CSc.
1; Neštátna ambulancia pre dospelých Nové Zámky, Slovenská republika, riaditeľ prof. MUDr. Ján Gajdošík, CSc.
2; III. interná klinika LF UK a UN Bratislava, Slovenská republika, prednosta doc. MUDr. Viliam Mojto, CSc.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2015; 61(Suppl 5): 7-11
Original Contributions
Hyperuricaemia represents nowaday the new risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Prevalence data and its treatment in our patient´s population are still missing. Literature data shows, that its prevalence differs in various populations significantly from 4 % up to 40 % with race and geographical means. In the hospital population its prevalence is about 7 % and represents the important predictor of hospital mortality, e.i with heart failure. From the Framingham data relative risk was estimated of 25 % for cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease and all-course mortality. From the epidemiologic survey Mirror Slovakia hyperuricaemia was evaluated from the sample of 20 000 patients from the primare care physicians in order to see the picture on this newer risk factor.
Key words:
cardiovascular diseases – epidemiology – hyperuricaemia – therapy
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2015 Issue Suppl 5
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