Drug induced tendon injury

Authors: Štefan Alušík 1;  Zoltán Paluch 2
Authors place of work: Katedra vnitřního lékařství IPVZ, Praha 1;  Ústav farmakologie 2. LF UK, Praha 2
Published in the journal: Vnitř Lék 2017; 63(12): 967-971
Category: Reviews


Tendon injury belongs to the less known side effects of some drugs, reported until recently only for glucocorticoids and fluoroquinolones. To date, some other classes of drugs such as statins, aromatase inhibitors, anabolic steroids, potentially causing tendon injury, have been added to the list. The authors discuss the most common clinical presentations, diagnosis, and management as well as latest experimental data regarding this issue. The most often, the Achilles tendon is affected, however, nearly every tendon of the entire body may be affected. Tendon rupture or drug induced tendinopathy should be strongly considered in those who have a tendon injury and have recently taken these drugs.

Key words:
anabolic steroids – aromatase inhibitors – fluoroquinolones – glucocorticoids – statins – tendon injury


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine
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