Comments on current guidelines of type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment

Authors: Emil Martinka
Authors place of work: Národný endokrinologický a diabetologický ústav, n. o., Ľubochňa, Slovenská republika
Published in the journal: Vnitř Lék 2017; 63(3): 211-217
Category: Guidelines


In an effort to facilitate the widest possible application of recent findings in diabetology and the related medical fields, with regard to characteristics of medicines and current possibilities of using modern procedures, but also to their limitations due to the financial capacities of health insurance companies, SDS innovates its therapeutic recommendations for the treatment of diabetes mellitus on a regular basis. The most recent recommendations were issued by SDS in August 2016. The review discusses and describes several factors which the authors considered during their preparation: (1) Compliance with the findings of evidence-based medicine, compliance with reference recommendations (therapeutic recommendations ADA/EASD), compliance with summary characteristics of active substances in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and approved possibilities of their use, and compliance with indica­tive restrictions (IO) which define medical and economic conditions for health insurance covered treatment. (2) Certain departure from the “glucocentric” approach to therapy, in favour of the approach preferring the selection of drugs based on clinical characteristics of the patient and proven benefits/risks of individual drugs (3) Preference of groups as well as individual active substances within groups based on evidence medicine regarding the individual active substances for specific patient groups. (4) Emphasis on individualization of goals for glycemic control (5) Emphasis on the right classification of diabetes mellitus as the basic condition for the selection of an optimum thera­peutic procedure, and (6) Emphasis on education and overcoming of clinical inertia, and patient medication adherence and medication “literacy” as the basic condition for successful therapy. The discussion also considers the outcomes of the most recent studies including of the studies focusing on empagliflozin and liraglutide, as well as recent modifications of the therapeutic recommendations of the American and Canadian Diabetes Association.

Key words:
type 2 diabetes mellitus – therapeutic recommendations – algorithm – empagliflozin – liraglutide


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine
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