A consensual therapeutic recommendation for type 2 diabetes mellitus by the Slovak Diabetes Society (2018)
Emil Martinka; Vladimír Uličiansky; Marián Mokáň; Ivan Tkáč; Peter Galajda; Silvia Dókušová; Zbynek Schroner *
Authors‘ workplace:
Slovenská diabetologická spoločnosť Slovenskej lekárskej spoločnosti
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2018; 64(4): 405-426
*v spolupráci s členmi Slovenskej diabetologickej spoločnosti
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous medical condition involving multiple pathophysiological mechanisms. Its successful treatment requires an individualized approach and frequently combined therapy with utilizing its effect on multiple levels. Current possibilities enable the employment of such procedures to an incomparably greater extent than before. The effects of different classes of oral antidiabetic drugs on the reduction of glycemia and HbA1c is mutually comparable. However differences are observed in the proportions of patients who met the required criteria, regarding the increase in weight, incidence of hypoglycemia as well as the effect on cardiovascular, renal or oncologic morbidity and mortality, and severity of specific adverse effects, potential risks and contraindications. The presented text provides the reader with the information about the Consensual therapeutic algorithm for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in compliance with SPC, the ADA/EASD amended indicative limitations and recommendations, formulated by the Committee of the Slovak Diabetes Society.
Key words:
biguanides – gliflozins – gliptins – glitazones – GLP-1-receptor agonists – insulin – sulfonylurea
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

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