From the History of Endocrinology: Reminiscence of the Discovery of Adrenocortical Hormones
Z histórie endokrinológie: reminiscencia okolností objavovania hormónov adrenokortexu
Autori sa v článku venujú kľúčovým udalostiam v histórii objavovania hormónov kôry nadobličiek. Na experimentálnej úrovni bola prvým príspevkom príprava nadobličkového extraktu kortínu, ktorý predlžoval život adrenalektomovaných zvierat a mal priaznivé účinky u pacientov s Addisonovou chorobou (AD). Išlo o zmes zlúčenín zložených z uhlíka, vodíka a kyslíka, patriacich do skupiny steroidov. Z týchto deoxykortikosterón ovplyvňoval metabolizmus minerálov, zlúčeniny označené Kendallom ako látka A, B, E, a F ovplyvňovali metabolizmus cukrov a bielkovín. V roku 1929 Dr. Hench postrehol, že u pacienta s reumatoidnou artritídou (RA), u ktorého sa vyvinula žltačka, ustúpila bolestivá symptomatológia, v roce 1931 zaznamenal priaznivé účinky tehotnosti na priebeh RA. Predpokladal, že symptómy RA ustúpili vplyvom prítomnosti rovnakej substancie (látky X). V roku 1941 sa záujem sústredil na látku A, táto však nemala skoro žiadny vplyv u pacientov s AD. Látka E bola prvýkrát s úspechom podaná pacientom s AD a RA v roku 1948. Pre podobnosť s vitamínom E premenovali Kendall s Henchom látku E na kortizon. Následne sa potvrdilo, že konečným produktom kôry nadobličiek je Kendallova látka F (hydrokortizon). Ocenením práce skupín bolo udelenie Nobelovej ceny Edwardovi Kendallovi, Tadeuszovi Reichsteinovi a Philipovi Henchovi v roku 1950.
Kľúčové slová:
história, hormóny, nadobličky, kortex, Nobelova cena.
A. Pura M.kreze, jr. 1 *,2
Authors‘ workplace:
Národný endokrinologický a diabetologický ústav – endokrinologické oddelenie, Ľubochňa, SR
1; II. interní oddělení a endokrinologická ambulance FN Bulovka, Praha
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2005; 144: 648-650
History of Medicine
In the article authors describe the milestones in history of discoveries of the adrenocortical hormones. Preparation of the adrenal extract cortine was the first experimental contribution. Cortine prolonged life of animals whose adrenals have been removed and had beneficial effects in patients with Addison disease (AD). It was mixture of compounds comprising carbon, hydrogen and oxygen that belong to the steroids. From those deoxycorticosterone had impact on mineral metabolism, substances that Kendall termed as compounds A, B, E, and F influenced metabolism of saccharides and proteins. In 1929 Dr. Hench had observed that the painful symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were relieved in a patient who developed jaundice and in 1931 he remarked favourable effects of pregnancy to the course of RA. He suggested that some agent (substance X) was present during jaundice and in pregnancy through that the symptoms of RA were relieved. In 1941 interest concerned to the compound A, however, this was almost ineffective in patients with AD. In 1948 compound E was successfully administered to patients with AD and RA for the first time. Concerning the relation between vitamin E Kendall and Hench gave compound E distinctive name cortisone. Consequently it was confirmed that compound F (hydrocortisone) is the final product of the adrenal cortex. Appreciating the work of the most significant groups was awarding the Nobel Prize to Edward Kendall, Tadeusz Reichstein and Philip Hench in 1950.
Key words:
history, hormones, adrenal, cortex, Nobel Prize.
Addictology Allergology and clinical immunology Angiology Audiology Clinical biochemistry Dermatology & STDs Paediatric gastroenterology Paediatric surgery Paediatric cardiology Paediatric neurology Paediatric ENT Paediatric psychiatry Paediatric rheumatology Diabetology Pharmacy Vascular surgery Pain management Dental HygienistArticle was published in
Journal of Czech Physicians

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