Means of early diagnostics and subsequent care for critically ill patient
Roman Mottl
Authors‘ workplace:
Fakultní nemocnice v Hradci Králové, Interní JIP, Klinika gerontologická a metabolická
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2010; 149: 221-224
Original Article
The delayed identification of an unstable patient may lead to the delayed management or the delayed transfer of the patient to the Intensive care unit and this can be related to the increase in the risk of death.
Early warning score (EWS) respectively modified early warning score (MEWS) is the system that helps in the early identification of the patient’s deteriorating status and may decrease both mortality and morbidity.
Results and conclusions.
The introducing of the specialized teams as Medical emergency team or more complex Intensive care unit outreach service is related to the increased chance of unstable patient to meet earlier medical support specialized in intensive care. The above mentioned specialized teams may – according to some data – reduce the hospital mortality, incidence of cardiorespiratory arrest as well as the incidence of the unplanned Intensive care unit admissions.
Key words:
early waning score, modified early warning score, medical emergency team, Outreach service, acutely ill patient.
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Journal of Czech Physicians

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