Metabolism monitoring with microdialysis in the intensive care

Authors: Filip Burša 1;  Tomáš Olos 2;  Leopold Pleva 3;  Roman Kula 1;  Jan Jahoda 1;  Václav Procházka 4;  Ivo Kopáček 3
Authors‘ workplace: Anesteziologicko resuscitační klinika FN, Ostrava 1;  Oddělení pediatrické, resuscitační a intenzivní péče FN, Ostrava 2;  Traumatologické centrum FN, Ostrava 3;  Ústav radiodiagnostický FN, Ostrava 4
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2011; 150: 605-609
Category: Review Articles


Therapy of haemorrhagic shock presents a huge challenge nowadays. Changes in circulation and metabolism are preceded with changes in cells, vessels and extracellular fluid. The main disorder takes place in microcirculation. Monitoring of extracellular fluid is possible with microdialysis. This method was verified on animal models and a became base of many clinical examinations in the world. First of all it is monitoring of lactate, pyruvate, glucose and glycerole as main markers of cell metabolism. Tissue condition can be described not only with absolute values but also as relations between individual parameters e.g. lactate/pyruvate and lactate/glucose. These values do not only inform us about forthcoming change from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism but also about the degree of reperfusion. Precious information about mitochondrial dysfunction which is the essence of multiorgan dysfunction in intensive care is collected as well. Based on changes we can asses the quality of resuscitation care together with speed of shock elimination, increasing oxygen delivery and mitochondrial dysfunction treatment.

Key words:
hemorrhagic shock, microdialysis, lactate, muscle tissue.


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