General psychopathology
Pavel Pavlovský
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 1. lékařská fakulta, Psychiatrická klinika VFN
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2012; 151: 420-422
Review Articles
*Předneseno na Vondráčkově večeru Spolku českých lékařů v Praze dne 7. listopadu 2011.
General psychopathology is an integral part of psychiatry; without knowledge of it we would be unable to describe an objective clinical psychiatric finding and set the diagnosis. It is dealing with not only description of single psychopathologic terms but also studies its connection with pathophysiology, genetics, biochemistry, psychology and sociology. The grounds of psychopathology were given by Karl Jaspers who devoted much attention to the problem of subjective and objective; it happens quite often that subjective symptoms may bear a character of objective signs. In spite of serious importance of general psychopathology these facts have been grossly neglected during the last several decades.
Key words:
general psychopathology, psychopathologic terms, their subjective and objective character.
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5. Guensberger E, Pogády J. Postavenie psychopatologie v systéme medicinských disciplín. Čs. Psychiat. 1971; 67: 312–315.
6. Molčan J, Polák L, Žucha I, Fleischer J, Kolibáš E. Systémový prístup k psychopatológii. Čs. Psychiat. 1977; 73: 378–382.
7. Jaspers K. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie 1912; 9: 391–408.
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