Emperor’ personal physician Christophoro Guarinoni (1534–1604), his colleagues and eminent patients
Bohdana Divišová
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav dějin lékařství a cizích jazyků 1. LF UK, Praha
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2014; 153: 31-35
History of Medicine
The aim of the article is to describe physicians around the Emperor Rudolf II and to bring missing information on the historically underestimated group of courtiers. As an example, the less known emperor’s physician Christophoro Guarinoni (1534–1604) is presented. His work „Consilia medicinalia“ can mediate interesting details on the health status of eminent representatives of the Rudolf’s court, e.g. William of Rozemberk, Ottavio Spinola or Edward Kelly and important information on Emperor Rudolf physicians.
consilia – Christophoro Guarinoni – Ottavio Spinola – Edward Kelly
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