KRAS mutation assay on EUS-FNA specimens from pacients with pancreatic mass
MUDr. Bohuš Bunganič 1; Mgr. Tereza Hálková; RNDr. Ph.D. Lucie Benešová; Bc. Barbora Belšánová; MUDr. Martin Laclav; MUDr. Martina Hrůzová; MUDr. Eva Traboulsi; prof. MUDr. CSc. Přemysl Frič; MUDr. Ph.D. Štěpán Suchánek; RNDr. Ph.D. Marek Minárik; prof. MUDr. Ph.D. Miroslav Zavoral
Authors‘ workplace:
Interní klinika 1. LF UK a ÚVN − Vojenské fakultní nemocnice Praha: U Vojenské nemocnice 1200, 160 00 Praha
1; Centrum aplikované genomiky solidních nádorů (CEGES), Genomac výzkumný ústav, s. r. o., Praha: Drnovská 1112/60, 161 00 Praha
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2016; 155: 48-51
Original Article
Differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses using EUS FNA is in 10−15 % of cases still challenging. Promising method, which helps to distinguish between chronic pancreatitis and cancer, is point mutations of the proto-oncogene KRAS test. This method is not established in routine clinical practice yet.
Objectives were the determination of the sensitivity of the KRAS assay using various kinds of samples of patients with pancreatic mass and testing the effect of the presence of KRAS mutations on the prognosis of survival. 147 patients underwent EUS-FNA examination of pancreatic mass, accompanied by blood sampling with subsequent separation of plasma for the detection of circulating tumor DNA. Part of biopsy sample was left native in a stabilizing solution and part as cytological smear. Samples (native aspirates, cytological smears, plasma) were examined for the presence of KRAS mutation by heteroduplex analysis, denaturing capillary electrophoresis.
Among 147 patients with pancreatic masses, 118 were diagnosed as a cancer, 26 chronic pancreatitis, 3 neuroendocrine tumor. In total 147 native aspirates, 118 cytological smears and 94 plasma samples were examined. The highest sensitivity of KRAS mutation was reached in the group of pancreatic cancer patients using cytology, in which 90 % of KRAS mutation was detected (106/118 of the samples). When using the native cellular aspirates, mutation was detected in 78 % (92/118 samples), and examination of plasma was positive in 27 % (24/90 samples). In four patients with chronic pancreatitis KRAS mutations was detected, although none has been cytologically confirmed as a cancer. Two of these four patients were confirmed in the course of the disease as a cancer, one patient died because of alcoholic delirium and the last one was indicated for surgery recently.
Examination of KRAS mutations can be performed in all patients undergoing EUS-FNA, with the cytology being the most reliable type of sample for genetic tests. KRAS examination would be reasonable to introduce into routine clinical practice in a group of patients with unclear differential diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, especially in those with suspicion of cancer in inflammatory terrain.
pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis, KRAS mutation , EUS-FNA
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