Changes in pathology since the times of Purkinje
Jaroslava Dušková
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav patologie 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2017; 156: 411-416
History of Medicine
The discipline of pathology was founded in the Purkinje era on the principles of building scientific knowledge of diseases through co-operation among clinical specialists. During the 20th century the focus of pathologists’ work has progressed from autopsies to biopsy diagnostics. The discipline of histopathological and cytopathological biopsy took form and continuously incorporates new methodologies and new standards. Its future course compels us to reflect on the changing requirements of clinical medicine. Current undergraduate education programs are directed toward forming a basis of expertise for both clinicians and non-medical healthcare professionals. At the postgraduate level and in research we are seeing an ever-closer interdisciplinary link, especially within the fields of genetics. This approach brings pathological processes to a new level, but also demands new levels of knowledge. Through comprehensive diagnostic experience, both prognostic and predictive, a pathologist is an indispensable member of the diagnostic and therapeutic team.
history of pathology, autopsy, biopsy, cytology, molecular pathology, predictive diagnostics, interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic team.
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