Searching for genetic variants associated with thrombophilia
Petr Vrtěl 1; Luděk Slavík 2; Radek Vodička 1; Martin Procházka 1; Jana Procházková 2; Radek Vrtěl 1; Jana Úlehlová 2; Peter Rohoň 1; Júlia Štellmachová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav lékařské genetiky LF UP a FN Olomouc
1; Hematoonkologická klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2019; 158: 28-32
Review Article
Thrombotic states are inherited or acquired predisposition for thrombosis in the human vascular system. Nowadays Leiden mutation and mutation in prothrombin G20210A contributing to congenital thrombophilia are routinely tested. These mutations have a high prevalence in the population. Congenital deficiencies of protein S, protein C and antithrombin III are rare thrombophilia with lower population frequency, but higher risk of thromboembolic event. The genetic causes are mutations in the genes, which encode these proteins.
The choice of proper molecular genetic testing depends on the difference in the detection of well-known single nucleotide polymorphism or unknown/rare variant. For the detection of causative variant FV Leiden and prothrombin G20210A are mostly used PCR-RFLP, reverse Strip Assay®, allele-specific PCR, TaqMan real-time PCR and SNaPshot®. Precise patient selection should precede the genetic testing of rare variants in anticoagulant proteins. It is appropriate to use methodology of massive parallel sequencing supplemented by a methodology for the detection of larger gene rearrangements – MLPA. We are successfully employing this approach in our institute. This methodology is faster with larger analytic capacity compared to commonly used direct sequencing by Sanger method.
thrombophilia – FV Leiden – prothrombin G20210A – protein S deficiency – Protein C deficiency – antithrombin III deficiency – molecular genetic testing
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Journal of Czech Physicians

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