The context and historical correlations of the origin and development of the oldest continually existing residential alcohol treatment model ("Apolinar model") in Central Europe from 1948 to 1960
Jaroslav Šejvl; Miroslava Mašlániová; Michal Miovský
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika adiktologie 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2021; 160: 203-208
History of Medicine
Building upon the tradition of the oldest specialized programs, the "Apolinar model" of alcohol treatment influenced the emergence and development of residential treatment programs in what is now the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Similarly to the socialist concept of unitary economy, this approach was applied in all emerging treatment programs until the Velvet Revolution.
To identify and describe the key factors determining the origin and development of residential alcohol treatment and what became known as the Apolinar model in the context of the development of the addiction-specific institutional infrastructure.
Qualitative content analysis of retrieved historical documents was used to identify and establish the sources and data. The relevant documents were identified and compiled according to their thematic relationship with the focus of the research in terms of their place and time of origin and authorship.
The Apolinar model represented a compact and unique treatment approach. This was owed to both foreign and local experience, ideas and inspiration, which the program drew on. The key figure behind the Apolinar model was Jaroslav Skála. In addition to achieving the maximum that was possible at the time and creating a homogeneous, original, and successful residential alcohol treatment model, Skála succeeded in establishing valuable international links and kept his facility and the emerging Czechoslovak addiction professional community in contact with the latest international trends and leading institutions.
Jaroslav Skála – Arnoštka Maťová – Psychiatric clinic – Apolinar – Apolinar treatment model
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