Quarter of a century of work of the Intersectoral Commission on Iodine Deficiency Solution
Jaroslav Kříž
Authors‘ workplace:
Státní zdravotní ústav, Praha
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2021; 160: 220-223
History of Medicine
World Summit for Children held in 1990 in its final declaration called for removal of iodine deficiency to the year 2000. Urgency of iodine deficiency in the Czech Republic was highlighted by the studies of the Institute of Endocrinology in Prague in the early 90's. The Intersectoral Commission on Iodine Deficiency Solution arising from the initiative of endocrinologists, hygienists and paediatricians was then established in 1995. Representants from selected ministries, non-governmental organizations and food and pharmaceutical industry also participated in its work. Activities initiated by the Intersectoral Commission succeeded significantly improve the iodine status of population and supressed the deficit until 2000.
In next years the Intersectoral Commission continuously evaluated results of monitoring of iodine status of population, held national conferences and annual Iodine Days that gave the opportunity to revive public interest in iodine. This Intersectoral Commission although deserved for the reduction of excessive levels of iodine in cow’s milk after 2000 and will address iodine deficiency in pregnant and breastfeeding women. The Intersectoral Commission will pay attention on expected decrease of kitchen salt consumption and subsequent reduction of iodine offer, will deal food supplements containing an excessive amount of iodine and will constantly monitor iodine status of the population.
Iodine – iodine deficiency – elimination of iodine deficiency
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Journal of Czech Physicians

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