Ethical aspects of tissue and organ transplantation

Authors: Anetta Jedličková
Authors place of work: Pracoviště doktorských studií, Fakulta humanitních studií UK v Praze
Published in the journal: Čas. Lék. čes. 2023; 162: 152-159
Category: Review Article


Along with the development of medicine and new therapeutic methods, the options of tissue and organ transplantation are constantly evolving, which brings a whole range of ethical connotations. The paper presents the legislative requirements and ethical principles that should be followed in transplant medicine, as well as their mutual connection. The article focuses on the ethical aspects which occur in connection with tissue and organ procurement and transplantation in everyday practice. The article also deals with modern methods that are currently being intensively developed and, in the future, could be helpful in solving contemporary issues in the field of transplantation. This concerns the ethical context of xenotransplantation, and the possibility of using artificial intelligence technologies for ethical decision-making in transplant medicine.


Medical ethics – ethical aspects – ethical principles – organ transplantation ethics – xenotransplantation ethics

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