Geriatric patient at emergency department
Jana Šeblová 1,2
Authors‘ workplace:
Urgentní příjem Oblastní nemocnice Kladno, a. s.
1; Oddělení urgentního příjmu a lékařské služby první pomoci dětí FN Motol v Praze
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2024; 163: 148-154
Review Articles
Emergency departments in the Czech Republic have been established in recent years. Seniors are typical patients of these departments. Emergency medicine´s approach is based on symptoms’ evaluation and on deciding about the priority of the care needed. The approach to older patients is specific both in diagnostics and in therapy. The triage of geriatric patients is more accurate when we also evaluate patient´s cognition, when we use geriatric frailty scales and screening tools for detection of delirium. Comprehensive geriatric evaluation is a time demanding process and thus inadequate for emergency department however we must maintain its basic components. The therapeutical approach must be complex, and it must include biological, psychological, and social aspects and environmental risk analysis. Trauma management in seniors requires evaluation of different vital function´s values compared to common triage criteria, the influence of medication on adaptive mechanisms and the risk of low energy trauma mechanisms. Therapy of trauma must be timely and complex and the continuity of care between intensive and standard level and then rehabilitation must be ensured. Palliative approach is appropriate for terminally ill patients.
geriatrics, emergency medicine, emergency department, frail elderly, triage, trauma, palliative care
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